Thứ tư, 12/03/2025 - Hotline: (84-8) 3829 9632

American Film

Tựa gốc : Shadowheart
Written by : Dean Alioto
Directed by : Dean Alioto
Stars : Angus Macfadyen, Justin Ament, William Sadler and Daniel Baldwin
Genre : Action/ Cowboy
Running time : 110 minutes
Release Date : 2009
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Jame Conner’s childhood is destroyed in a flash of a single gunshot when his father(Willian Sadler) is murdered by town’s psychotic saloon owner Will Tunney(Angus Macfadyen). Fifteen years later Jame Connor returns as an aimless bounty hunter, to claim the bouty on Will’ head and reunite with his childhood sweetheart, Mary Cooper( Marnie Alton).

Will has become even more powerful and crushes James, leaving him for dead. When two Native Americans, Washakie and Miakoda find James they challenge him to forgive and not seek vengeance. James must look within himself to release his past and not be ruined by it. A beaufiful and stunning epic, Shadowheart is a hauting tale of lost love and revenge.