Thứ tư, 12/03/2025 - Hotline: (84-8) 3829 9632

American Film

Written by : Paul Eagleston, Stephen Rose
Directed by : Kurt Hale
Stars : Andrew Wilson, Amy Stewart, Clint Howard, Gary ColeMan and Fred Willard
Genre : Drama/ Comedy
Running time : 91 minutes
Release Date : 2006
Country : U.S.A
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It’s the last season of church ball and Dennis Buckstead (Andrew Wilson) has been asked by his church leader Linderman (Fred Willard) to lead a group of uncoordinated misfits to the Churl Basketball Championships. For the last twenty years the competitive Linderman, who was suspended from coaching twenty years ago for violent behavior, has watched he Mud Lake team fail to make the Church Basketball Tournament. And now word from the “top” is that church ball will be cancelled, making this season Linderman’s last chance to see Mud Lake redeem itself.

According to church headquarters, church ball has run off course; what was supposed to strengthen the body, invigorate the mind and cultivate brotherly love brings out the worst in these church-going ball players. But despite its bad reputation. Dennis is determined to magnify his calling and build a championship-winning team. To work with, he’s got the nerdy church clerk Gene ( Clint Howard), small-in-stature Charles Higgins (Gary Coleman), and European football-loving foreigner Borat Nazbarevchez (Sina Amedson). This is hardly a championship-bound group.

But in all hopeless situations there is a silver lining. And that silver lining is Moses Mohoney (Thurl Bailey), a seven-foot giant who teaches basketball to troubled kids downtown. Unfortunately for Dennis, this silver lining has conscience; Moses declines any interest in playing ball with Mud Lake because he doesn’t fell Dennis’ intentions are right. So then Dennis focuses on “friend-shipping” the tall and burly Jeremiah Jones (Stan Ellsworth), a possible savior for the Mud Lake team who won’t play because of bad past experience with church ball.

Dennis just wants a winning team – is that too much to ask! Not even the Lindersman’s  supposedly ”divinely-inspire” book of basketball plays seem to be working. His moves, with names like “Red-headed step child” and  “ Gob Stopper,” seem to promote only more violence. And though most of Dennis players are more interested in staring brawls than playing ball, Dennis manages to start building team unity through community service and practice

In what is nothing short of divine intervention, Dennis turns a team of oddballs into a team of players. And along the way he mends relationships, creates friends and make it to the Church Basketball Tournament. The only thing that stands in their way is the Crystal Hill Ward, featuring The Bracken bothers ( Curt Dousett and Larry Bagby), the always conceited, always victorious lawyers. The last game of church ball is set to be the most important and potentially biggest brawl in church ball history – winner takes all. And in church ball, it isn’t how you play the game …it’s whether you win or lose.